All you need to know about our Open Innovation platform
Discover the basics of Open Innovation definition scientific concept

What is Open Innovation?
[Infographic] The question "what is open innovation?" is a recurring one in our daily business here at ideXlab. We decided to make a one minute infographic explanation of open innovation.

The 8 dimensions of Open Innovation
[White Paper] Discover the 8 dimensions of Open Innovation that need to be understood and tackled in order to transform your organisation or company...

Open Source vs Open innovation
[Infographic] Open Source vs Open innovation
We are often asked about the difference between Open Source and Open Innovation. And many people confound the two. Let us try to clarify the links between these notions.

Bring together Open Innovation and IPRs
[White Paper] Open Innovation in business : how to bring back together the concept of Open Innovation with Intellectual Property Rights? Let's discover it in this White Paper
Max Phases - Explore Science & Experts
Explore the science and understand more clearly this topic by reading the best articles made from Experts, Scientific and Academics!
ReadMagnetic gear - Explore Science & Experts
Explore the science and understand more clearly the Magnetic gear topic by reading the best articles made from Experts, Scientific and Academics!
ReadPhage Display - Explore the Science & Experts
Explore the science and understand more clearly this Phage Display topic by reading the best articles made from Experts, Scientific and Academics!
READEvaluate the different implementation options

What is a good expert ?
[Infographic] What is a good expert and how to find one? The answer in this info!

Open Innovation guide
[Guide] How to choose the best Open Innovation approach for your company?
This guide is laying-out the options, their pros and cons, and a practical way forward.

How to measure the results of open innovation?
It is well known that the ROI of Innovation is quite difficult to measure. With the hindsight provided by our activity in Open Innovation for several years, we give you a first attempt.

An Example Of State-of-the-art Using Open Innovation
How to realize a state-of-the-art ? How can Open Innovation help ? Some simple answers below.
How do companies use ideXlab for their needs?

Open Innovation in practice
[Ebook] Open Innovation in practice
6 concrete Case Studies to understand how Open Innovation can help you develop new products or services.

Open Innovation serving telecommunication Big Data
[Case Study] Open Innovation serving telecommunication Big Data
Find out how Orange evaluated the relevance of investing in the development of cutting-edge services.

Open Innovation in railway : the example of Alstom™
Discover in this study case how Alstom has been able, thanks to the use of the ideXlab platform, to apply Open Innovation on an unresolved centennial problem.
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